We're All Ears For Your Storage Ideas 2023

Small Parts Storage & Containers

Collapsible Mesh Pallets

›› Collapsible wire storage cages - saves space when not in use ›› Half-drop side along one

long side for easy use ›› Stack up to four high when erected ›› Bright zinc plated finish

HEMP0806 Folded



LCMP1012 Folded

5 x LCMP1012 Stacked

Overall Size L x W x H mm 800 x 600 x 670 800 x 1200 x 1000 1000 x 1200 x 1000 1000 x 1200 x 890 800 x 1000 x 850

Internal Height mm

Folded Height mm

Stackable When Folded

Capacity kg




£135.10 £265.00 £287.70 £433.75 £247.70 £442.50

Half Euro Collapsible Mesh Pallet Euro Collapsible Mesh Pallet

540 850 850 750 700 750

230 280 280 210 210 210

5 High 4 High 4 High 4 High 4 High 4 High

350 600 600

HEMP0806 FEMP0812 COMP1012 LCMP1012 HDMP0810 HDMP1012

Collapsible Mesh Pallet

Large Collapsible Mesh Pallet

1500 1200 1500

Heavy Duty Collapsible Mesh Pallet

Heavy Duty Collapsible Mesh Pallet with Fork Guides 1000 x 1200 x 900

Collapsible Pallet Retention Cages

›› Collapsible pallet retention cages - saves space when not in use ›› Half-drop side along one long side ›› Stack up to four high when erected ›› Bright zinc plated finish


2 x EPR081210 Stacked

Overall Size L x W x H mm

Folded Size L x W x H mm 910 x 2050 x 65 910 x 2250 x 65 1100 x 2250 x 65 1350 x 2250 x 65

Internal Height mm

Capacity kg




£195.45 £202.25 £237.90 £296.35

Pallet Retention Cage with 1/2 Drop Gate Pallet Retention Cage with 1/2 Drop Gate Pallet Retention Cage with 1/2 Drop Gate Pallet Retention Cage with 1/2 Drop Gate

800 x 1200 x 1000 1000 x 1200 x 1000 1000 x 1200 x 1200 1000 x 1200 x 1450

850 850

800 800 800

EPR081210 EPR101210 EPR101212 EPR101214

1050 1300



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